Category Archives: Useful Stuff

Attachment & What’s Good

By | November 28, 2023

To whom it may concern, You need to do some simple stretching. Your neck and shoulder will thank you. My tiny world is quiet. I am finding space to read again. Whenever I buy a book, I am buying the aspiring version of myself – someone who reads hours at a time. Aspiration gives directions.… Read More »

Quick Note on Belonging

By | July 19, 2023

Hi friends, Are you staying hydrated? I am writing to you in my couch that’s soon to be picked up. I am selling most of my stuff. Adventure awaits. Excitement is the normal and expected emotion. I do feel excited but not full of anticipation and anxiety. I don’t know how this trip will play… Read More »

Surprising Clarity

By | May 10, 2023

I’ve been living a goalless life. This is not my preferred way of being and I am not yet ready to rule it out completely. It is about exploration and growth, though it doesn’t feel like growth at the moment. It feels more like floating in a river and letting the direction of the water… Read More »


By | April 19, 2023

Fire has a natural allure to me. I understand why. It will burn down everything except what’s true. It keeps me warm and safe and enthused. I told my therapist six years ago. I lost my fire. Where is my fire? I want my bright blue fire back. I also understand why I lost my… Read More »