Hi There

Welcome to my playground!

I am Xiaoyu Zheng. I am a writer and thinker who values friendship, creativity and learning. I love life and the full spectrum of human experiences. I love to explore the messy middle, meaning writing builds a bridge for me to learn what I don’t fully understand yet.

“To deny my messiness is to deny my humanity.” – Chanel Miller

I created this blog as a gift. A gift for you and I, for lovers and students alike, for people who want to explore and live a life that’s fueled by curiosity and love. I am passionate about asking questions and contemplating on how to stay true to who I am, how to love well, and how to contribute in a meaningful way with the precious and fragile life I’ve been given. I am not an expert of you or your life. Instead, I hope my writing acts as an invitation for you to explore what makes you feel alive – the embodied experience of presence, possibility and love. Think of me as the travel guide to your inner world. You alone hold the key to your heart.

I create with love and care. I trust that you can feel it. I hope you are inspired to pause and connect with what truly matters to you. I hope you will find something that touches you here. Share it with me or a friend. The magic of Love is that, the more you share, the more you receive in return. So, go on, share your love. Do not wait.

Right now, I am focusing on writing a series of love letters. Check them out if you are curious what they are about and tell me what you like about them.

If you share similar values and believe that you are a kind and interesting person, say hi. Tell me how you express love. Tell me your love stories. Tell me what you are working on. Tell me what is it like to be you. I care to know.

No ads on this site forever. That’s a promise I can commit to. If you would like to support me, you can share my work with your friends or buy me a cup of coffee. Your support keeps me going and makes me feel seen and loved. Thank you.

With all my heart,
Xiaoyu Zheng