While Internet Access was Disrupted

By | August 9, 2022

On Monday, my internet connection was disrupted. I jumped – in typical rodent manner, I ran in circles trying to get nowhere.
I phoned the internet service provider and was connected with a technician that suggested unplugging my modem and replugging it. A technique I have tried.
I asked my coworkers to test out whether they can access NYTimes. I suspected a company-wide security policy upgrade that blocked NYTimes. Unlikely.
Most secure sites are out of my reach. I could perform the basic tasks and that’s about it. I couldn’t be “useful”.
I did what any good writer would do in this scenario. I freaked out.
Then I sat down and began typing. What would I do if I don’t have cell service or internet connection? What would my life be like? And what would I do? How did my grandpa do it?
The initial panic is accompanied with a slight hint of curiosity and excitement. I’d read, write and walk all day. I’d cook a simple meal and enjoy it. I’d be who I always am, while desperately trying to fix my internet.

p.s. internet access is useful. may secure internet connection be with you.

Now, your turn, any thoughts? I care to know.