i am home

By | September 6, 2024

Hi my friends,

How is everyone? How are your loved ones? Is now a challenging time or a blessed one? What’s working for you now? What lessons are you learning?

I have not written much this year. I traveled. I fell in and out of love. I am back to this quiet space of writing and clarity. This year has been of homecoming for me. I’ve longed for a sense of belonging since I was little.
Maybe you do too.

The hippies are right. Home is inside of me. At last, I can say that no parts of me are exiled. All children have come home. Teachers and guides helped me but the handwork was on me. I picked up all the pieces. I am building the life I want.

I am glad it is up to me. I get to choose and I get to act. It is the sense of a sovereign person that delivered me. I trust myself. I am trustworthy.

My relationship with writing is evolving as a natural by product. I am not certain where we are headed. I am certain that I want to be on the road and be here with you all.

More soon,

Now, your turn, any thoughts? I care to know.