In my mind, poetry is a multilayered medium. It is music, words and image, in one. The creation of a poem is inevitable instead of forced, for me anyways. This makes editing a poem challenging. I face a lot of internal resistance. I throw tantrums. It is fine. I am willing to face the resistance to make the poems tighter and sharper. What I care more is to be service of the poems and give them my best effort.
Here are some actionable advice I have gotten from an incredibly kind guide and fellow writer. I hope it helps you too. If you have editing tips, share in the comments!
1. Create a flow throughout the poem from beginning to end.
2. Every word should be purposeful and if taken out, the poem should not be how you envisioned it.
3. Why does it start where it does and take the steps it does?
4. Why is the author writing the poem?
5. Why does the poem have two stanzas that do not take the form of the others? (Think rhythm, pace and structure, it impacts the flow of the poem.)
6. Who is the target audience? What do they already know about the topic/theme/imagery?
7. Can the readers see/hear what you see/hear? If you seek understanding and clarity, help the reader.