Chase A Cloud

By | June 23, 2020

I chased a cloud today.

It looked like this when we first met. From the moment on, I decided to follow its beauty and see its movement from the other side.

at 5:49 pm

I love its perfect cluster, made up with faded edges, the tornado-y swirls, and the causally blended-in white space. What depth and complexity! The big blue sky and hint of summer breeze made it dreamy.

at 6:01 pm

After 34 minutes of chasing, the same cloud started to look different and boring to me. I am losing my interest.

at 6:23 pm

That’s when other clouds came to distract me. I took the bait. They look fluffy and pillowy!

at 6:23 pm

I allowed myself to be distracted for a while and went back to focusing on my original cloud.
And 20 minutes later, I saw magic. My cloud started dancing. It was pure joy to stand still and witness its movement. My heart was full.

dance move i

dance move ii

dance move iii (my favorite)

dance move iv

I kept on walking. The twist and turns took me here eventually. My cloud shifted into something entirely different and I love it no less. I felt energized.

2 hours or so later

I am not telling you to keep chasing your dream. Rather, I hope you look up and spend time wandering. Do something wildly unrelated to your dream, something silly with no purpose.

Knowing how to play is an important skill of being a healthy and productive human, regardless of whether you are a serious statesman, play writer, college professor, fireman, doctor, pole dancer, circus performer, baker… Play, my friend, I extend you an invitation. It is safe to play like a kid. I give you full permission to be silly. Go play and tell me your story!

2 thoughts on “Chase A Cloud

  1. David

    Nice story. I’m wondering how much ground you covered to keep up with a cloud for two hours. 10-20 miles? Seems like the pictures of clouds I like (big ones) never live up to real thing, but your cloud pictures are nice.

    1. Xiaoyu Post author

      Thank you for liking the cloud pictures and the story.
      I covered roughly 8 miles. Sometimes, I take cloud pictures laying on the floor, when circumstances permit. Give that a try. You might get some big fluffy cloud pictures.


Now, your turn, any thoughts? I care to know.