Dear friends,
This is the last post from 2021. Thank you for continuing on this creative journey with me. 2021 started with a dire depressive episode for me. For the first half of the year, I didn’t do much. Luckily, 2020 has taught me to let go of unrealistic expectations. I became good at living and working with reality. It is a valuable skill to have, for someone who loves dreaming and imagining a future most of the time. I am not giving up that part of myself. What’s changed is that working with reality made me stronger and more confident. I see what I can actually do in a clear and concrete way. It is empowering.
What have you learned this year? What are you ready to let go of? What would you want more of?
For 2021, I want less noise and hesitation. I want more clarity and focus. I will focus on small, specific and consistent actions. And I want to rest as much as I need. Napping is my superpower after all.
May there always be pizza in your heart and puppies in your soul.
To 2022 and beyond!
I send you love,