Alec hurt his head in a rugby game last Spring. Ever since the injury, Alec became a different person. He is no longer soaked in melancholy or lofty ideals. Alec is jolly, terribly jolly and simple. The team of doctors are monitoring his health closely. All things considered, Alec is well.
Alec has trouble remembering what has happened a week ago or a month ago. He is very much present. The right here, right now, Buddha like way of being. Alec also became increasingly impulsive. This morning, he woke up and wanted to ride the train. So he went, with no plan and no preparation. Apparently, none needed. He came home around noon and grabbed a bite and went to the afternoon lecture.
Alec’s friends and parents are worried sick, especially Alec’s mom, Tina. Her favorite boy is now, what seems to her, a happy moron. Tina is actively searching for proactive treatments across the country to heal Alec, to bring Alec back.
Alec is happy, for the first time. Just happy.