He is considering medication as a part of her treatment again. She has not shown signs of improvement. After five years, she is still on the verge of a breakdown regularly. She is not endangering anyone. She doesn’t have suicidal ideation. She is simply not what she could be. On the surface, she looks normal, healthy and should be the least of his concerns. But the light in her eyes is out. She looks like she is trapped in a fountain of glue. She is quietly screaming for his help.
His adviser has suggested that he release her from the hospital and hand her over to her family doctor, Dr. Johnson. No way. Emily stays here under his supervision. He is going to heal her.
People assume that he is in love with Emily. He is not. Emily was engaged to marry his best friend Rob. She was a force of a human. Rob’s accident almost killed both of them. When they pulled her out of the car, she kept on calling Rob’s name. Rob was gone. Ever since the accident, Emily died. She became anorexic and suicidal.
He is on the outlook for Rob. He is determined to bring Emily back.