Book Rec & Confession & Usual Nonsense

By | October 14, 2023

Hi my relaxed human friends,

Where are you at? Can you teach me how to relax? For real. Tell me what you had to let go or fight for to experience mind, body and soul relaxation. I want to experience it. As I am typing to you, my toes are curled. I am trying to grab the ground?

What am I tensing against? Is this primal existential anxiety? The natural side effect of having a body that fails and withers? Living in a world filled with ongoing human suffering? Made you feel tense? Sorry for bringing your attention there – it is not my intention. I am inquiring. (My tombstone reads: spent her life inquiring)

I finished reading a book called It’s On Me by Sara Kuburic. I recommend. It’s a nonfiction book that I couldn’t put down. It’s great for someone who is committed in becoming who they are meant to be – themselves.

My one-month sabbatical starts next week. I am mostly excited about seeing some of my best friends and spending time together. I will need to work here and there but I plan to stay offline for the most part.

And I like someone. I don’t expect it to turn into anything with a conventional label. I am mostly curious about this person – the highest level of compliment I can give to someone. Maybe this is what loving with my palms open is like? I want Love that gives enough space and safety for freedom, creativity and growth, for everyone involved. Aka, I want the best that Love has to offer and I want to be an A+ student in this subject. Talking about high standards and getting to the bullseye. This is what I am here for.

I was listening to Tim Ferris talking to Arthur Brooks. It is a fun episode with Arthur Brooks being a mad scientist. I see myself in him. What remains with me weeks later is his question: what would you die for? You are suppose to have an honest answer. (I would die for my mother. She gave me the best that Love has to offer, on top of giving me life! Talking about being lucky.)

As per usual, I don’t have a point. It’s up to you to find what’s golden to you. And I love this broken world because you are in it.

(It is difficult to not love me, right?! In that sense, my mom is lucky too.)

Love, Love, Love, all hail the GREAT Love.


Now, your turn, any thoughts? I care to know.