
By | May 23, 2022

Hi friends,

It’s me again, your curious and messy human friend. In my pursuit to share more useful and helpful tools to better your life, I present you a daily meditation/declaration/intention/affirmation – whatever noun makes you read these words out loud.

The science literature is still trying to figure out the benefits of story telling. Don’t wait. Try it out. You can edit your belief about your life and yourself anytime you choose to. Tell yourself a story that makes you move towards the trajectory of your dreams. Because life is short. Your gifts are precious. And you can be a good steward.

I am going to read the below aloud right before I hit publish.

I am sending you love,



Decisive, I am
Magical, I am
Focused, I am
Disciplined, I am
Kind, I am
Creative, I am
Courageous, I am
Worthy, I am
Powerful, I am
Authoritative, I am
Autonomous, I am
Fierce, I am
Strong, I am
Authentic, I am
Clear, I am
Direct, I am
Honest, I am
Playful, I am
Awake, I am
Ready, I am
Prepared, I am
Passionate, I am
Perceptive, I am

Now, your turn, any thoughts? I care to know.