Hi friends,
Greetings from my writing desk – my only desk!
I am finding ways to establish a ritualistic rhythm of writing. I’ve experimented with sharing my writings on a weekly basis. I am getting back to that. Tell me, what do you enjoy about my writings? What do you wish I could write more/less about? Tell me. Tell me. Tell me! Tell me all about it.
Even better, tell me about you. What are you working on?
Okay – now you can feast on the fragments from me – think of them as a variety of appetizers that you are tasting, and share them with a friend!
Bye for now,
I. Friday Night Big Thief Concert
Head Cold. Gray sky. Menstruation.
Mint tea ran out at the Lebanese food place.
Jenny drove us. We talked and talked.
About guns, power and rape.
About Saturday plans.
About feeling and listening deeply into the human terrain.
The concert started around 9:20pm.
Noise. People. Booze. Music. Clap. Lights.
Adrianne Lenker. Her band. Her brother. Me & everyone else in the room.
Salty tears in my mouth. Mourning and receiving the moments of beating hearts coming together.
II. Jordan, the One with the Words
Tall. Strong. Humble.
Shares about etymology.
Do you know the story behind Slush Fund?
How about Phone In?
Jordan knows and shares with his eyes.
III. Me & The Act of Writing
When I write, I am well.
Else, despair.
Come HERE.
Leave the questions behind.
IV. Pest Control
Ants are in my space.
Solutions abound.
V. Dishes
After you clean them up, you start again.
Money has a gravitational pull.