Women, Women, Women

By | March 8, 2022

Hi friends,

Happy International Women’s Day! I have thoughts. You bet I have thoughts.

First of all, we deserve at least half of the calendar instead of just ONE day of the year to celebrate how awesome we are.
Second, pay us. Pay up. We deserve to be valued. We do fine jobs. Pay us the same amount for the same job our male counterparts are doing – across all industries.
Third, leave our bodies alone. We have sovereignty over our own bodies. Thank you for the concern but it is none of your business.
Fourth, dress with pockets.
Fifth, paid maternity and paternity leave.
Sixth, free tampons.
Seventh, we do not want your opinion about how our bodies should look like or what we should or should not wear. Fuck off.
Eighth, less creeps.
Ninth, we are human beings. We want respect, love and friendship. We want to feel accepted, seen, understood and cherished. Just like you.
Tenth, we are strong and beautiful and smart and courageous and complex. We are scientists, politicians, bankers, astronauts, athletes, engineers, musicians, business owners, doctors, teachers, mothers, daughters, friends, sisters. Our softness and gentleness are magic.

Finally, thank you for the loving and kind and all around awesome male allies. We appreciate you. We see you. We love you.

Go on being awesome my friends. There is nothing like being a strong woman next to a tribe of strong women. You make me feel beautiful and seen and strong. Go get what’s yours! Go after your dreams. Build your empire. Love with your fierce heart and soul. Remind us what beauty is all about. Be the bright light that we all need in this dark dark time. I love you. I thank you. I belong here with you.

Peace out!

2 thoughts on “Women, Women, Women

    1. X. Y. Zheng Post author

      Love you back my fierce and loving friend 🙂


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