To Young Girls

By | April 24, 2021

Dear Young girls,

I have the responsibility to tell you a few things that I wish I knew when I was your age. Alas, I might not have listened to such unwelcoming truth when I was your age. But I have faith some of you are wiser and smarter than I was.

Life will rarely feel fair and just. Someone will always appear happier, wealthier, prettier and more successful than you.
You will be mad, sad, happy, depressed, so in love and oh, so heartbroken.
That’s normal. You are normal. You are just one of us.
For a while, you will despite the idea of being just one of us. You want to be special. You are .
Not because you are better or worse or more brilliant or deserves more than others, but because you are you. There is not a replica of you with your quirks and your experience. Use what’s yours wisely and fully.

I have the responsibility to tell you that you will feel confused and terrified, and you’d love to find some everlasting safety that does not exist.
The cliches are worth paying attention to. Change is the only constant and you will be okay.
Okay – not that you won’t fail or you are immune to misery; Okay – that you will find the strength to ask for help, keep going and solving difficult problems.

I have the responsibility to tell you that love is worth experiencing. I think you innately know that. I hope you find ways to open up your heart without losing your sovereignty. It is important to keep a beautiful part of you just for you. That’s not selfish. Don’t believe people who tell you otherwise. And surround yourself with kind, smart and responsible people.

I have the responsibility to tell you that your body will change. Don’t freak out when you see some recurring chin hair or terrible back pain as you get older. I assure you we all have it. Take good care of your body. Rest, exercise and eat some real food. Chips and chocolate don’t count. Though occasional indulgence are quite alright.

I have the responsibility to tell you that you have to choose and decide who you want to be, or others will decide for you. Others will not love you as much you are capable of loving yourself. Take full responsibility of your life and your actions. This doesn’t mean beating yourself up. It is about accepting reality and making friends with your life.

Speaking of friends, make great friends who want what’s best for you. Friends who accept your flaws. Friends who support and love you even when life gets inevitably difficult. Friends who can call you out for doing stupid things. Friends who enlarge your world. Friends who radiate warmth and love. Making friends will be easy when you are a kind, curious, and caring friend to others first.

I have the responsibility to tell you that loss, betrayal and death are a part of life. You will feel like there is no way out of this pain. Give it some time. Find solace in a good book, a warm embrace and in nature. Death truly isn’t the end. I am not just saying that. You have been reading what the dead has written centuries ago. They are with us. They are us.

At some point in life, you will wake up. I hope sooner rather than later. If you are fortunate enough, you get to decide what is the most important thing for you and let go of the rest. Once you do, roll up your sleeves and go forth with determination and focus.

One last very important thing: do not ever take dictations from anyone, especially from people who have an aura of righteousness. Go find your own truth. Sift everything you learn through your own intelligence. And a cheat-sheet – trust your instincts. As long as you get quiet enough to listen to yourself, you will do just fine.

Now, your turn, any thoughts? I care to know.