How’s life? – February 2021

By | March 1, 2021

Dear readers,

How was your February? Did you learn something new? How’s your mental and physical state?

I learned about brain health. According to scientists from Stanford (, waking up and bathing in sunlight in the morning regulate your internal clock, which in turn helps you to sleep and rest better. With high quality rest, you will focus better and feel overall, more energized and happier. A positive domino effect.

I also learned more about a behavior change method called “Tiny Habit”. Tiny actions that take less than 30 seconds to complete that tip you over to positive change overtime.

Perhaps I have a chance of becoming a morning person by adopting the tiny habit method. I’d like to give it a try.

Winter is challenging for my mental health. For most of February, I was anxious and depressed. I tried my best to stay above water.

For March, I will focus on waking up at a set time, eating healthy food, moving my body and calling my friends and family.

One tiny action at a time. May all of you be healthy and safe.

See you in March.

Now, your turn, any thoughts? I care to know.